Kuilei Courageous Conversations

Kapi'olani CC Student Congress: December 2023

Kapi‘olani Community College | Kuilei Outreach Program Season 9 Episode 6

We close out 2023 with Kapi‘olani Community College's Student Congress who are the official channel between the students and the College's Administration.

In this episode we learn from  Kimberly Song - President,  Zachary Gibson - Vice President,   Ratana Kim - Secretary,  Maria Schmitz - Communications Officer and  Martino Koo - Treasurer, the AMAZING things they have accomplished in 2023. They are truly the voice of our students and will go above and beyond to make sure students have a great college experience at Kapi'olani CC.

Click HERE to check out one of their legacy projects that involves all the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges.

If you are interested in getting involved or have questions, please contact Student Congress at kapccsc@hawaii.edu as well as through Instagram at @kapccsc. 

Thank you!