Kuilei Courageous Conversations
Kapi‘olani Community College is an extremely special place because we are named after Queen Julia Na-pela-kapu-o-Kakaʻe Kapi‘olani. The Queenʻs motto is Kūlia i ka Nu’u, Strive for your Highest, which can be felt through the words in our podcast. Kuilei Courageous Conversations hosted by Kapi‘olani Community College’s Kuilei Outreach Program is a series of talks and interviews around students success through the lens of our students, staff, and faculty. We will cover topics around our outstanding community of students and employees, the application process, how to finance college, and other exciting highlights that make Kapi‘olani Community College the place to Kūlia i ka nuʻu, strive for your highest. We truly appreciate the opportunity to share what we have to offer. Check us out at www.kapiolani.hawaii.edu. Mahalo.
Kuilei Courageous Conversations
Kapiʻolani CC's Select Programs
Kapi‘olani Community College | Kuilei Outreach Program
Season 6
Episode 5
Thanks again for tuning in! In this episode, we talk about degrees (or programs) that have a selection process (Select Programs). These include our Health Science, Nursing, and New Media Arts degrees. Students need to apply as a Liberal Art student first, complete the Program's PREREQUISITES, and THEN apply to those Select Programs.
If there are any questions, feel free to email us at kapcoun@hawaii.edu.